[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—Since 1903 when Mr. Sell rebuilt the premises at 166, 167 and 168 Fleet Street, a flag has been flown continuously for twenty-one years. The house flag of Sells, Ltd., the Union Jack, and during the Great War flags of all the Allies, have been flown day by day. The Guildhall authorities have taken twenty-one years to find that a flag has been flown, and now say that it constitutes a sky sign, and is an infringe- ment of the London Building Act, 1894, and must be taken down. When the buildings were erected no objection was taken to the flying of the flag.
Flying the flag cannot in any possible manner interfere with or do any damage to anyone, and it tends to " brighten up " Fleet Street. Two neighbours of Sells, Ltd., have also flown their own flags and have done so for many years. Summonses were issued against all three firms, and it has bee' n held by the Divisional Court that the flag is.an advertise- ment or announcement within the meaning of the Act. It is difficult enough in these hard times for many business houses to " carry on " without being interfered with on purely technical lines by the authorities.---We are, Sir, &e., SELLS, LTD.
168 Fleet Street, E.C. 1