16 MAY 1925, Page 24


S. King and Son. 4s. 6d.) THE NEW HOUSING HANDBOOK. By R. Reiss. (London : P. S. King and Son. 4s. 6d.)

NOT many weeks ago we drew attention to a new Handbook

of Housing, by Mr. Townroe. Now we have The New Housing Handbook of Mr. Reiss, who is well known in Garden City and Town Planning circles. We wish that habitable cottages were as easily produced as treatises upon them. These two cover a good deal of the same ground, though Mr. Reiss goes more fully into the effects of recent legislation, such as the Rent Restriction Acts, and he prints as appendices almost the full text of the Chamberlain and Wheatley Acts. There are also chapters on the practical side of building and the costs, the supply of labour and so on. Mr. Reiss offers no encourage- ment to anyone to think that under present conditions the building trade or the philanthropic landowner will, or can, produce houses for weekly wage-earners on any remunerative or economic basis. He resigns himself entirely to subsidies or other forms of .public or private charity. But so far as

he explains the present conditions and familiarizes people with the needs-of the day-ilia book-may -do good,- - - - —