Those of us who were looking with. respect Upon the
moderation Of the..Spanish :Government and thought it rewarded by orderly .success,- had a rude Shock on learning that a rabble of4oung men had got beyond control in Madrid, attacked the office where the Monarchist Associ- ation was preparing .for the elections; and that of the Conservative paper, A: B. C'. on 'Monday they burnt a Church -and .educational-institntes, and' then several convents and orphanages. There have been sporadic anti-clerical outbursts elsewhOe, Particularly in Malaga, where c-hurches, seminaries; and the Bishop's Palace were destroyed. Martial law was proclaimed in Madrid with success. It was proclaimed in Malaga, but not enforced by any troops or Civil Guards. Demands made in Madrid for the disbandment of the Civil Guard and cries against the Government showed that the movement was not only anti-clerical. It was clearly an organized movement, whatever the -source. If' it -grows, the Army will soon take control with still greater power than it had of old. The accOunts-of the apathy ofthe crowd watching the 'destruction of beautiful buildings and beneficent insti- tutions reminds us that feiv Spainards arc without a strain of Arab blood with its fatalistic effects. That strain also accounts for their slowness- in adopting modern Western forms of government.