16 MAY 1931, page 2

The Arabian Desert The First Details Of Mr. Bertram Thomas's

daring journey across the Rub al Khali; the hitherto untraversed desert in South-eastern Arabia, have been published this week in The Times. They show that Mr. Thomas faced the......

The Prince Of Wales At Manchester On Tuesday, Before Nearly

three thousand members ' of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the Prince of Wales spoke on the conclusions which - he had reached as 'a result of his recent mission to South......

India We Write On The Eve Of Mr. Gandhi's Arrival

at Simla. It marks the beginning of an important stage in the preparations for the second session of the Round Table Conference. If. the Federal Structure Committee is to meet......

On Monday Last The Vote For The Department Of Over-

seas Trade was taken. Hopes, and little else, were expressed by the representatives of the Government for our export trade to India and South America. The British manufacturer......

Adventure One May Rejoice At Proofs That The Spirit Of

adventurous progress is as much alive as ever, but the toll of life which is still taken from pioneers in the air is lamentably heavy, and in marked contrast . to the safety of......

Dock Wages At The Meeting, On Tuesday, Of The National

Joint Council for Dock Labour, the employers proposed considerable reductions of wages and alterations in working conditions, on the ground of the condition of the industry. Mr.......

Australia Sir Robert Gibson, The Chairman Of The Board Of

the Commonwealth Bank, commendably allowing no shade of political opinion to colour his evidence as a financial expert, told the Australian Senate last week that the Bank was......