16 MAY 1931, Page 2

The Prince of Wales at Manchester On Tuesday, before nearly

three thousand members ' of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the Prince of Wales spoke on the conclusions which -he had reached as 'a result of his recent mission to South America. He showed himself far more aware of the situation of British Industry than some of its leaders. We should like to emphasize two of the points' of his speech. One is the importance of sending out for the study of markets not underlings, but principals of firms or at least responsible officials, whose reports will not be disregarded: • Surely. where the Prince has gone they need not be too proud or too busy to follow. The other is the importance of advertising, and as an aid to this the need for a proper British news service for South America. At present all British news; goes to South America vid the agencies of the United States, and the natural result is that where Great Britain is mentioned only casually the name of the United States is shouted from the house-tops. There were many other points in the speech of great importance, but these two are urgent and apt for immediate attention.

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