16 MAY 1931, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—I think that I can throw light on the question as to how the herd of .long-horned and white-coated goats got to the Valley of Rocks in Devon.

I was in Lynton one delightful summer about thirty-two Years ago, and I well remember seeing a herd of just Such goats being driven past our windows and along the road, to every- one's astonishment. They were let loose when they got to the Valley, and allowed to go as they pleased. They were evi- dently filled with joy, and skipped up the rocks in all directions with the greatest energy.

Nothing could have been more picturesque. Unfortunately they also skipped over walls or boundaries, and owners of gardens were less joyful on the subject, and we heard that difficulties ensued. Sir Thomas Hewitt imported them, to add to the beauties of the scene. I do not know whether they invaded his own beautiful and hospitable garden. Probably they did.

I had been under the impression that they were evicted, but perhaps I was mistaken. Anyhow (having just read about them in the Spectator) I think that some of the original herd must have remained in the Happy Valley, and that their descendants are still disporting themselves thcrcin.—I am,