Adventure One may rejoice at proofs that the spirit of
adventurous progress is as much alive as ever, but the toll of life which is still taken from pioneers in the air is lamentably heavy, and in marked contrast. to the safety of routine flying. The accidents to members of the Air Force have been numerous this year, and public attention has been drawn to the dangers by the deaths in South Africa of two true pioneers, Commander Glen Kidston and his companion, Captain Gladstone, and also of Flight-Lieut. • Waghorn, the hero of the last race for the Schneider Trophy. Fears that had arisen for the safety of a young adventurer of an entirely different kind, Mr. Courtauld, have fortunately been allayed. He appears to be none the worse for spending five months all alone on the " ice-cap 7 of Green- land. We wonder what penologists who have made a special study of solitary confinement would have to say about the- experience of this voluntary eremite.