16 MAY 1931, Page 48


'Notwithstanding the present trade depression, Sir Eric Geddes, speaking at the recent meeting of shareholders of the Dunlop Rubber Compahy, was by no =means disposed to take kh ultra pessimistic view with regard to the outlook. For the thoment trade is dull, but he emphasised the fact that there were various favourable factors in the position of the company which would enable the Directors to take immediate advantage of the opportunity offered under conditions of reviving trade. In the course of his speech he expressed pleasure that the McKenna duties were still in operation, although certain industries had lost the modest protection which they enjoyed. Even as regards the rubber outlook Sir Eric said that he con- sidered that the best hope for the rubber industry was, in his opinion, the speedy elimination of the inefficient and expensive plantations, and, he added, " the sooner the bogy of restric- tion was finally laid, the sooner would the industry return to prosperity."

I am glad to note the strong indignation displayed by Sir Eric Geddes at the close of his speech with regard to the_allega- tion of leakage of information as to the results of the year before official publication of the Report. With the utmost care on the part of the Directors, a leakage of company results seems to occur from time to time, but it is always satisfactory when, as in the case of the Dunlop Rubber Company, the Chairman shows his determination to sift the matter to the bottom. In this case it is evident that the Chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Company is very much in earnest, for in referring to the matter he said that he would seek in his searching investigation the assistance of the Stock Exchange Committee.