Haile Selassie's Plan
The Emperor Haile Selassie has given to a Times special correspondent a notable statement of the ambitions he entertains for the development of Ethiopia, which shows how much thought he has already devoted to the future administration and policy of his country. In the sphere of foreign affairs, he con- siders Abyssinia as a State at war with all Britain's enemies. He looks forward to collaboration with the British Govern- ment and British territories in Africa, and he proposes to open roads for the development of trade between Abyssinia and the Sudan. In domestic policy his ideal for his country is to enable it to become a democracy on the model of Great Britain. and he will summon a democratic Parliament as soon as pos- sible. But he is fully aware of the fact that Abyssinia has a long way to go before it can live the life of a developed democratic State. Feudalism is still deeply ingrained, and to break this down he must strengthen the central govern- ment by building up a regular army and a trained police-force. He assured his interrogator that his mind was set upon the education of his people, agricultural development, and social welfare. These, he considers, are essential to real democracy. and, indeed, real independence. His country is fortunate in restarting its independent life under so enlightened and bene- volent a monarch.