A Canon Of Westminster's Experiences Last Saturday, With...
climax at Oxford, are worth recording. He began the night with his normal duties as air-raid warden. In the course of it he watched various historic buildings blazing, tried in......
The Difficulty About The Petrol-allowance Is That In The...
of the supplementary ration every application ought to be decided on its merits. In view of the number involved that is hardly possible, or at the best it means that the......
Great And Enduring As Sir James Fraz2r's Fame As An
anthro- pologist will be, he deserves to be remembered no less as a master of English prose. That could only be demonstrated by quotations for which I have no room. But no one......
Goering, By Firing Both The Reichstag And The House Of
Commons, has added a double event of some importance to his many distinctions. The Capitol next? JANus.......
A Spectator's Notebook
W RITING last week on the night-bomber I suggested that there might be a sudden leap in the figures of German losses, and that after the full moonlight-period was over we might......
The Murder Of The English Language Perpetuated Around Us...
day is so widespread and so shameless that for the most part it goes unremarked. But there are some limits. If freedom shrieked when Kosciusko fell " Janus " may be permitted at......
Air And Fire
T 0 the ordeal which this country is undergoing at home two of three elements, air and fire, in their different ways, contribute tragically. Attack from the air in the last war......