Monday the 4th instant, signalized in artistic matters by two elections at the Academy, witnessed also a resignation. Mr. George Jones, R.A., on whom, during the prolonged illness of Sir M. A. Shoe, had devolved the chief discharge of the presidential functions, retired from the respon- sible office of Keeper of the Royal Academy, held by him for upwards of ten years. It is no small thing to say, in testimony of the manner is which he has fulfilled his duties, that, among an assemblage so heteroge- neous and often intractable as students in the earlier stages of art, a gene- ral feeling prevails of affectionate consideration towards Mr. Jones ; earned, as it has been, by the courteous amenity with which he has in- variably treated his class, by his cordiality in entering into their studies, united to kind interest in all cases where his advice has been more di- rectly sought, and by his constant aim at promoting the mutual friendly relations of himself and his pupils.