Macfarren's Serenata, The Sleeper Awakened, Produced Last...
Grand National Concert, does him great honour, and helps to show that if we have not an English opera it is not for want of English composers. The story is that of Abou Hassan......
"entente Cordiale" Renewed In Paris.
This was a very popular phrase in both England and France, till the Spanish Marriages came to cast their shadow on the amicable relations of the two countries. Since that......
"ecce Iterum Crispinus!"—another Aristocratic Roué Who...
to his palace ! Louis de Male, Count of Flanders and hero of The White Hood, a piece produced at the Lyceum, surpasses all his predeces- sors not only in villany but in dulness.......
Gratrto Net Aluoir.
The five-act play produced at the Princess . ; which is the last important novelty, is the complete reverse of the Olympic play which occupied our attention a week ago. Philip......
Mr. Macready's Performances At The Haymarket Do Not...
iota in attraction. Virginias has been played to a crowded house ; and the famous scene in which the father hears of the abduction of the daugh- ter, raised a storm of genuine......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has presented a much better appearance than last week ; the closing prices of Consols being this afternoon 961 / for......