THE Queen held a Privy Council and Court, at Windsor
Castle, on Wed- nesday. Before the Council, the Marquis of Lansdowne had an audi- ence. At the Council, Sir Robert Monsey Rolfe, the new Vice-Chan- cellor, was sworn a member of the Council, and took his seat at the board. The Parliament was further prorogued from Thursday the 14th November to Tuesday the 17th December. At the Court, Mr. Samuel Mar- tin kissed hands on his appointment as Baron of the Exchequer Court ; and received the honour of knighthood. Mr. Charles Locke Eastlake, the new President of the Royal Academy, also had the honour of knight- hood. Her Majesty gave an audience to the Marquis d'Azeglio, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Sardinia ; and audiences to Earl Grey, Viscount Palmerston, and Sir George Grey.
The Queen has received many guests, and has given many dinner- parties in the past week. The Duchess of Kent has been a daily visiter ; the Duchess of Gloucester arrived at the Castle on Monday and staid till yesterday; the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor and Lady Truro, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord John Russell, have each passed a night under her Majesty's roof. The Countess of Neuilly, with the Duchess of Orleans and her two sons, the Prince de Joinville, and the Duke d'Aumale,.with their wives, visited her Majesty on Wednesday. The ninth anniversary of the Prince of Wales's birthday, Saturday the 9th instant, was distinguished by military parades in the Park. Prince Albert came to town on Thursday, to preside at a meeting of the Fine Arts Commission. Before the meeting, he went to the New Palace at Westminster, and inspected Mr. Dyce's fresco in the Queen's robing-room.
The Duchess of Cambridge visited the Duchess of Gloucester, at Glou- cester House, last Saturday.