16 NOVEMBER 1850, Page 8



The English Stock Market has presented a much better appearance than last week ; the closing prices of Consols being this afternoon 961 / for Money, and 961 97 for the December Account,—thus marking an advance of about 1 per cent from our last prices. The quotations have been about per cent higher ; but as the Bank-broker sold largely both yesterday and to- day, they have fallen back slightly. With the exception of the transactions just noticed, the business of the week has not been important. In the money operations the sales have predominated, and there is a large amount of Stock in the hands of the .jobbers and dealers, which would press upon the market, but that money 113 so easily obtainable.

The Northern European Stocks were very materially affected by the war- like rumours which every post brought from the Continent. Russian Four and-a-half per Cents fell from 961 to 93k, and the Five per Cents from Ill to 1107. Dutch Bonds of both varieties were also considerably depressed. Russian Stock has, however, rallied again; and has today been at 96k,— within 1 per cent of the price from which the decline took place, and Dutch and other Northern European Securities have recovered proportionally. On

the arrival iff the long-expected Mexican mail, the price of the Stock de- clined aboutlYper cent, and several transactions occurred in it at 30; the accounts first made publie being of a very unfavourable nature. When the real character of the intelligence became known, the price improved about 14 per cent';, and after-some fluctuation, the closing price of this afternoon is nearly the - that of list, week. The ether South American Stocks lime been but WMmlealt in, and prices have not varied materially. Some rather considerable transactions have occurred in Portuguese Securities ; a large amount rof Stock having been sold at 32i : but the market continued firm, and eloses this afternoon fully 1 per cent higher than the above quota- tion. Spanish Stock declined about per cent L to rally, again to the same extent, the closing quotaAiii of`Mfty being:nearly the same as last week. The Railway Shares ere teneraffifirmer ; those of most of the more im- portant lines being froM lt.tti'21:In advance of Mir last prices. The Foreign ftares, especially tlict`FMneli;'ime also much better—about 10.1. per share above recent prices. SATURDAY -Tvrimmt encoca.

The English Funds are firmer ; the opening price. of Consols was 964 7 for Money and 974 for Account, and in the absence of 'any transactions of im- portance the market has continued firm at those prices. The only material variation in the prices of the Foreign Funds is in Mexican Bonds, which are from 4 to I per cent higher than yesterday, the price being 32 to 4. Some considerable transactions have occurred m this Stock, to which the business of this department has as yet been confined. The Share Market is generally firmer, but nothing has occurred there to call for special notice.

SATURDAY Two o'Ci.oca.

The English Funds close at a decline of 4 per cent. Although the busi- ness of the morning has not been important, still the sellers of Stock for Money have predominated, and the market is consequently not quite so firm. There is no material alteration in the Foreign Funds : the following are the bargains officially recorded—Brazilian, 881 ; Ditto 1829 and 1839, 86 ; Ditto 1843, 89; Mexican, 324 314; Peruvian, 80 7914; Ditto Deferred, 36 35}; Portu- guese Four per Cents, 34; Russian Five per Cents, 1081; Ditto Four-and-a-

half per Cents, 965 4 ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 67 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 871.

The Railway Share Market is firmer, with an upward tendency ; almost all the business transacted today being at higher pnces than yesterday. The most noticeable improvement is in the Shares of the Oxford, Worcester, and "Wolverhampton; which have risen about 2/. since yesterday, and nearly 41. during the past week. The long-pending strife between this Company and the Great Western, respecting the terms of the lease of the line, has, it is understood, been terminated ; and hence the improvement. The following are the principal transactions—Bristol and Exeter, 661 ; Caledonian, 10 94; 'Chester and Holyhead, 11; Eastern Counties). 6; East Lancashire, 9; Great Northern, 144; Great Western, 714 1 2 14 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, .471 4 81; Ditto Fifths, 2} 4 ; London an Blackwell, 741 ; London, • and South Coast, 841; London and North-western 1184 18 •Ditto New Quarter-shares, 101; Ditto Fifths, 164; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and B. C. 314 ; London and South-western, 69 81 94 ; Midland, 421 ; Ditto Wt. Shares, 1211 ; North British, 64; North Staffordshire, 74; Oxford, Worces- ter, and Wolverhampton, 171 1 18 174 1 li ; Scottish Central, 101; South- eastern and Dover204 20; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 174 4; Ditto Extension, 121 ; York and North Midland, 231 4 ; Ditto Preference, 84 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 74; Central of France, Orleans and Vierzon,) 14 ; East Indian, st; Northern of France, 144 74 ; Paris and Rouen, 24; London Joint Stock, 181.

3 per Cent Consols 964 4 Danish 3 per Cents 73 6 Ditto for Account 96a 7 Dutch 24 per Cents 57 3 per Cent Reduced 96 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 87 4 34 per Cents 974 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .. 314 24 Long Annuities 74 13-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 79 80 Bank Stock

Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 334 44 Exchequer Bills 67 70 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 73 6 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 107 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 184 Be an 44 per Cents 87 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 39 Ch'an 6 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela


Danish 5 per Cents 98 100