Lord Lyons,--the new English Ambassador at Paris who suc- ceeds
Lord Cowley,—was presented to the Emperor of the French this day week with the usual state. Our new Ambassador com- mented, of course, on the benefits which had resulted to England, and France, and "the whole world" from the cordial relations between the French and English Governments. "The instruc- tions of the Queen especially prescribe to me to spare nothing to maintain and strengthen those relations." The Emperor, who- received Lord Lyons with marked respect,—in a fashion curiously contrasted with the studied coldness of his manner to General della Marmora the week before,—said in reply that it had been one of his. constant "preoccupalions,"—that is, aims taking priority of most other aims,—" to retain with Great Britain those friendly rela- tions which have already borne so many fruits." We do not doubt it for a moment, but the fruits have been by no means all good. However much Mr. Kinglake may have exaggerated the whitewashing power of an alliance with England, there can be no doubt but what it is very useful to the Emperor, especially at times like the present, when he has just completed a' reactionary work in Italy, to put forward conspicuously his cordial under- standing with England. The reception of Lord Lyons to a certain extent balances in the memory and imaginations of men the affront to General della Marmora.