16 NOVEMBER 1867, page 1

Parliament Meets On Tuesday, And We Trust That Lord Stanley

will have the nerve to resist steadily a form of pressure which will be applied to him energetically. The fossil Liberals, men of the Mr. Lusk type, are going to make him pledge......

The Lord Mayor's Dinner Was Not Very Eventful. Lord Derby

was not there, and Mr. Disraeli professed to feel coy. Lord Derby, he said, would, if he had been present, have "taken stock" of the general condition of affairs, but he himself......

It Is Worthy Of Remark That This Condescending Manifesto Was

issued on the 12th inst., after the Emperor had received a de- spatch from General Menabrea, dated 7th inst., in which the Italian Premier says, "we expect the French Government......

The Real Lesson Of Montana Is This. The French Government

has got a weapon quite equal to the needle gun. All the reports coincide in stating that the fire of the Chassepot was as "quick as the ticking of a clock," like the "swing of a......

News Of The Week.

rpHE topic of the week has been the Conference proposed by 1 the Emperor of the French to settle the Roman question. We have discussed the obstacles to such a Conference......

It Is Stated By The Morning Pose That The Vacant

Bishopric of Lichfield has been filled up by the translation of the Hon. and Right Rev. Horatio Powys, D.D., Bishop of &dor and Man, from the retired Isle of Man (in which he......

The Italian Government Having Performed The Kotow Before...

the Emperor is disposed to be gracious. In the true Chinese style, the Moniteur informs the world that the Government of France has "learnt, with most lively satisfaction, the......

Lord Lyons,--the New English Ambassador At Paris Who Suc-...

Lord Cowley,—was presented to the Emperor of the French this day week with the usual state. Our new Ambassador com- mented, of course, on the benefits which had resulted to......

General De Failly's Official Report To The Minister At War

on the incidents of Mentana quite bear out this view. He says he lost only two soldiers killed and 36 wounded, though the Pontifical Army suffered more severely ; but the......