The Complete Works of Horace. Edited by the Rev. J.
E. Tonga. (Longmans.)—With a patriotism which must seem laudable to an Eton man, Mr. Yonge has sent forth this edition of Horace to take away the reproach of idleness which attaches to his college. "Eton," he says, ' abounds in springs intellectual, as our neighbouring high commons do in natural springs, plentiful and proper for irrigation, wanting but the channel to draw them off." The stream of scholarship which runs through the present channel is by no means scanty, and the edition re- flects new credit on Eton. We claim to be impartial judges of Mr. Yonge's work, as the last time we had any dealings with him he sent us up to the head master for a flogging. But if we wished to avenge that passage of arms, we should not choose this book to wreak our spite Upon.