Consols opened on Monday at 94 to for money, and
92i to 93 ex. div., for the 5th of December ; since then the market has been tolerably firm, and prices have been on the advance, Consols • for transfer having touched 941 to 1. Yesterday, they closed at 941. toff. Reduced and New Three per Cents. were 921 to 93. Exchequer Bills, 28s. to 31s. prem. India Stock has marked 221. to 223; and Bank Stock, 245 to 247. India Five per Cents. have been 114i to 1151, and India Bonds, 55s. to 61s. prem. The dealings in Foreign Stocks have been unimportant, whilst a further general decline has taken place in the value of Railway Shares. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Shares have marked 55 to 58, and Royal Mail, 6.5 to 68. Bank and miscellaneous securities have further receded in value. There has been a moderate demand for money, at 11 per cent. for the best bills. The New Honduras Loan has touched 3 prem. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 22,238,8061.; in the Bank of France, 37,813,183/.