News of the Week
The Foundations of Peace ON Monday Mr. Hoover made one of the most significant, and what we hope may prove to be one of the most fruitful, statements of policy which have ever issued from the White House. It was a challenge to the world to reflect upon the . foundations. of. peace. Mr. Hoover laid bare the American manner of thinking on this subject. It is entirely different from the Eiiropean manner, and if any Eitropeansare still pilizled to under- stand why the United States remains outside the League they will be enlightened by Mr. Hoover's dissection. For our part we rejoice in his candour. He does not underrate the difficulties. When, compelled by motive's of hunianity, he asks for the abolition of any such blockades as would cause starvation, he no doubt remembers that in many European countries his Very assumption that humanity can thus be served best will be sincerely disputed.