Accident Or Disease.
The automobile and the general development of industrial life have thrown civilized humanity into a new and strange environment which is leaving scars upon each succeeding......
American Notes Of The Week
(By Cable) PRESIDENT HOOVER'S Armistice Day speech was sufficiently comprehensive to please everybody for different reasons. His reaffirmation of the American determination to......
The Mediterranean Fruit Fly.
The possibility that the Mediterranean fruit fly, which has wrought such havoc in Florida, will be completely eradicated as a result of the campaign by State and Federal......
Skyscraper Garages..
A company has been formed to erect and operate a chain of skyscraper garages in the larger American cities. The first of the garages, which are to be twenty-eight storeys high,......
Pollution Of Streams.
Local authorities in several parts of the country are concerned that one of the consequences of urban and industrial growth has been the pollution of streams needed now, or......
The Progress Of Aviation.
President Hoover has instructed the aviation sections of the Post Office, War and Navy Departments to study existing and contemplated air routes in the United States with the......