The possibility that the Mediterranean fruit fly, which has wrought such havoc in Florida, will be completely eradicated as a result of the campaign by State and Federal authorities, is foreshadowed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Where, at one time, it is said " hundreds of flies could be obtained with a few sweeps with a net," at present all methods of trapping fail to locate a single fly. The success of the cam- paign is attributed chiefly to sterilization and the use of poison spray. The studies of sterilization which the infesta- tion occasioned will, it is believed, probably lead to permanent improvements in the colour of citrus fruits and in methods of preserving them. The poison spray caused some injury to plants, but the agricultural experts hope, as a consequence of the experience gained, to develop an equally effective spray which will also be perfectly safe. Further appropria- tions are sought to enable the work to continue as incipient outbreaks are ex-peeted to occur before next June.