SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Our attention has been called to the article dealing with the sale of this estate which appeared in last week's issue under the name of Sir William Beach Thomas. We, as the agents for the sale of the property, are writing on behalf of our client to correct the misstatements made by your contributor, who is obviously writing in ignorance of the facts.
You may take it that the Stratford-on-Avon Council is quite alive to the importance of town planning, and we understand that a town planning scheme is under considera- tion which will amply protect the amenities of the neigh- bourhood. This being the position, Mr. Robert Trevelyan, before selling the estate, approached the Stratford Town Council with a view of preserving such portions of the estate as were necessary for the purpose of public amenities and an agreement has been reached with the Town Council for the acquisition by them, at a very reduced figure, of the land which they consider necessary to be held in the public interest. In view of the prominence given to the article, we trust that you will give similar prominence to this answer. —We are, Sir, &c.,