With the current issue (October, 1929) World Trade, the valuable
quarterly review in three languages, for which we have to thank the International Chamber of Commerce, concludes the first year of its independent existence. It has now established itself as an indispensable fund of ideas and information for the intelligent and up-to-date business man. The contents are appropriately divided into general articles, articles on national problems, which in the present instance provide particularly good fare for English readers in Dr. Arno Pearse's " Impressions of the Cotton Industry of China and Japan," and Air Vice-Marshal Sir W. S. Brancker's record of " Ten Years of British Commercial Aviation," accounts of the work of the various international organizations (e.g., the International Shipping Conference), and, finally, a section dealing with the specialized activities of the Chamber. If we may venture a criticism on editorial policy, we suggest that in this number for the first time there is a tendency to be " scrappy." To avoid lengthy articles is in itself a merit, but there should be a judicious mixture of long and short articles. Otherwise the impression of a certain drab mono- tony is inevitable.