CIVIL war has been raging all the week in the great cities of Spain, except Madrid, where Prim has reviewed 10,000 men of all arms, to show the Republicans what they may expect. Iu Sara- gossa, Barcelona, Valladolid, Granada, Cadiz, Malaga, Valencia, and a score of smaller places, the " Volunteers of Liberty," that is, the armed workmen, have resisted disarmament, and throughout Catalonia, where the people are hostile to the Government as pre- sumed free-traders, and Andalusia, where the labourers resent the tenure of the soil, skirmishes have been general. The troops, however, have remained faithful, the generals have been " ener- getic"—that is, they have stuck at nothing to carry out their orders—and, except in Valencia, discipline has prevailed. The work, however, has been hard. Saragossa was, for example, treated like a besieged town, and bombarded for hours, while a regular army has been collected for th1'attack on Valencia. That city has not yet been taken, but the insurgents seem to be losing heart. They have asked for terms, which have been refused. All now depends on Madrid, which has, a trick of exploding last; but if the capital remains quiet, Prim is for the moment master of the situation, may, if the army will let him, put the crown upon his own bead. He has expelled the:Republican Deputies, the majority in the Cortes obeys his orders, and the owners of pro- perty are so alarmed that they would support any dictator as a " saviour of society."