The Irish Episcopalians Are Actively Reorganizing Their...
conference, elected on the old diocesan plan, has arranged a plan of clerical representation, while a lay conference elected by "universal suffrage," i.e., by all nude......
We Are Glad To Hear It Said That Those Who
know Mr. Mackar- ness—the Bishop Designate of Oxford—best, admire him most, and hope for most from him. We wrote of him, we confess, in com- plete and excusable ignorance, and......
News Of The Week.
C IVIL war has been raging all the week in the great cities of Spain, except Madrid, where Prim has reviewed 10,000 men of all arms, to show the Republicans what they may......
There Is A Fierce Agitation Getting Up Against Dr. Temple's
appoint- ment to the See of Exeter, which is grounded chiefly on his having contributed an essay, which was never declared heretical, to a heretical book—Essays and Reviews......
All Accounts Represent The Alarm Of The Propertied...
extreme, and wexuspect it is justifiable. For years no rioting has occurred in Spain without menaces to the rich ; in entire provin- ces like Andalusia the cultivators are......
Lord Derby Has Been And Apparently Still Is Lying At
the point of death at Knowsley. The disease was, as usual, gout, but the danger appears to have arisen rather from exhaustion. At in- tervals he has been insensible, and there......
The Coal-miners Of Aubin, Near Orleans, Have Had A Serious
conflict with the troops. The masters say the entente was entirely without provocation. The men say an overseer cheated them by refusing to allow for tubs not quite full—an old......
* * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......