The news has been received in many capitals of the
Jontinent—particularly in Vienna, Berlin, and Paris—with a feeling of relief, each State having its own reasons for thinking that the combined action of Europe might not end in its individual advantage. This feeling has been expressed in the Press so freely, that European action is supposed to be at an end, and the enemies of the Greeks, who are as numerous as the enemies of Italy once were, are exulting in her discomfiture. That is not so, however. The English Ministers in London dispersed on receipt of the news, as nothing can be done till Dulcigno is actually in Montenegrin hands, and they must protect their few chances of leisure ; but that affair over, the Greek question must be taken up seriously. The Greeks have 40,000 men under arms, and cannot send them home without receiving the provinces granted to them by the supplementary Conference of Berlin. Neither can the Powers recall their formal consent to that grant, and consequently any Powers which prefer action to further waiting may justifiably claim to be the man- datories of Europe. Under those circumstances, the Sultan may think fit to yield to negotiation, but if not, a calculated and steady pressure must once more be applied, possibly by a single fleet, which is more manageable than a combined fleet, until the Turkish Government once more fears that the situa- tion will become clear to the people. Mr. Gladstone is not the man to betray the Greeks, or to allow the Armenians to be slaughtered down until Russia, for very shame, is compelled to intervene, and the Asiatic side of the Eastern Question is re-
opened. There is real danger of war on that side, only to be averted by Armenian autonomy.