The Geneva Correspondent Of The Times Tells An Extra-...
story. It appears that in the Canton Schwytz, where manners are still simple and people unsuspecting, there is no prison. Instead of one an old farmhouse is used, the guardian-......
The Social-science Congress At Edinburgh Broke Up On...
has been the dullest, the least instructive, and above all, the worst reported, of such assemblies for many years. Mr. Hastings, the Secretary, affirms that the discussion on......
A Railway Accident Believed To Be Entirely Without...
on the Midland line, at Kibworth, near Leicester, on Saturday night. Something had gone wrong with the Scotch express, and the driver stopped in a dark cutting near Kib- worth,......
We Are Afraid Mr. Merivale Cannot Permanently Win His Case
against theatrical managers. He was dreadfully annoyed because a manager to whom he had sold a play left out a character in performing it, and applied for an injunction to......
A Telegram Has Been Received In London Through Reuter,...
that the Czar is ill. It is unusual to mention the illness of Sovereigns unless it is serious, but no further intelli- gence has been received.......
Sir Stafford Northcote On Thursday Delivered Some Feeble...
a place near Honiton. He thought politics gained by a party occasionally "lying fallow," which, if true, suggests that the Liberals are just now in the best position to produce......
We Have Said Enough Elsewhere About The Election Commis-...
but must here make one apology. We last week overrated the honesty of rascals. We said that ander the Ballot men capable- . of taking bribes seemed, nevertheless, to be......
The American Shipping Trade Is Dead, Owing To High Wages,
protective tariffs, and it is suggested, to a growing dislike among the people for disagreeable modes of life, a dislike so great that born Americans scarcely ever become......