The Catholic Church in Ireland has pronounced against the Land
League, and all terrorism exercised upon landlords. Its official representative, Dr. McCabe, Archbishop of Dublin, in a pastoral charge read on October 10th in all the churches of his diocese, has declared that the Government has shown its readi- ness to redress the wrongs of the country, has pronounced the claim of the Land League unjust, and has in vehement lan- guage, quoted elsewhere, denounced not only those who com- mit agrarian murders, but those who fail to express their abhorrence of them with sufficient vigour. The Arch- bishop at the same time declares the Land Laws harsh and bad, and pronounces for the Cloyne plan mentioned last week,—fixity of tenure, with right of selling the holding, rents to be settled from time to time by a tribunal, and some- thing to be done to house the labourers. The Archbishop's Charge has been a shock to the Land League, whose speakers demur to his views in very mild terms, while they have greatly increased the vigour of their protests against murder. It is
probable that, encouraged by this utterance, by the hostility which the labourers are showing to the League, especially in Cork and Wexford, and by the angry attitude of the Orangemen, who are declaring for " tenant-right and landlords' rights," the better-disposed tenantry will insist on moderating the agitation and waiting for Parliament to act. The agriculturists are by no means so united, except upon the subject of eviction, as they at present appear.