The unexplained resolve of the Government to remain for the
winter at Candahar is already giving rise to anxiety. Accord- ing to recent telegrams, Ayoub Khan is not considered, in Afghan circles, at all a discredited man. On the contrary, he is the one Afghan Prince who has defeated the Infidel in the field, though subsequently unfortunate ; and on the strength of this reputation he has regained Herat, is levying an army, and promises to drive the British out of Candahar. The people are no better disposed than ever, small tribes constantly harass communications, and worst sign of all, two officers have been attacked on separate occasions by two " Ghazees," deserters from among our own Sepoys. A general rising is said to be contemplated for Christmas, and though threatened risings rarely come off, the experienced officers on the spot evid- ently consider strict precaution indispensable. According to Sir Arthur Hobhonse, the occupation costs half a mil- lion a month, while in return we obtain positively nothing, except the probability of being cut off by a revolution in Khelat. We observe that Mr. Leveson-Gower (brother of Lord Granville) says we shall certainly retire; but if we are to retire, what is the sense of all this expenditure and risk ? We could understand it, if Candahar were to be annexed ; but if it is not, the occupation for six months of a province which de- tests us, at such a cost and such a risk of sterile campaigns, is a superfluity of naughtiness.