The war in South America between Chili and Bolivia, with
Peru for the ally of the latter, which has been raging so many months, has at last come to an end, Chili and Peru having accepted the mediation of the United States. It is believed that, as usual, the weakest of the States engaged will pay the heaviest penalties, and that the terms of peace will give to Chili the nitrate-yielding desert she claims and as much of Bolivia as she needs, Peru absorbing the remainder. The most remark- able fact about the war is the little attention it has excited in Europe. Every kind of question Which interests soldiers and sailors, the strength of ironclads, the value of torpedoes, the best methods of landing troops on a sea-board, and the most effective kinds of maritime attack, have received abundant illus- tration ; but no one has attended to the campaign. No one of the modern sacri vates, the English special correspondents, has been present, and Spanish accounts have either not been read, or an account of their " high-falutin" phraseology have not been believed. Chili is the victor, but it is doubtful if her aristocratic constitution will survive the war.