The British Quarterly Review. October. (Hodder and Stoughton.) —The critical essay on Mr. Tennyson's poetry with which the num- ber opens is scarcely equal to the somewhat lofty claim—of doing what has not been adequately done before—which it sets forth. We cannot follow it into details, but we must remark that it cannot be a very careful commentator who sees a reference to wheat in the "phalanx of the summer spears." Of course, these are the hop-poles which before have made the "tented winter-field." Generally, it is surely an extravagance to say that Browning is an "incomparably better" poet than Tennyson ; and beyond an extravagance, to suppose that Scott will survive him. Nevertheless, a student of the poet may read the article with profit, though not without aggravation. The ac- count of " Exploration and Mission Work in South Africa" does jus- tice to its subject, and to the courage and devotion which have been expended in the work by pioneers, whether of Christianity or of civilisation. There is a damaging article on " Lord Northbrook and Lord Lytton," and on the policy which starved our subjects in Ondh, to get the means of killing those whom we were pleased to make our enemies in Afghanistan. Mr. T. Roger Smith writes on "The Practice of an Architect," in answer to an essay that appeared in the Review some time ago. He points out with much force, but with unnecessary acerbity as regards his opponent, the very large scope of a modern architect's work, as compared with that of his mediaeval predecessor. As to the nou-payment of " per-centages," &c., Mr. Smith's testimony at least has its weight, yet there is testimony on the other side. The other articles deal with the subjects of "The Lord's Supper Historically Considered," "The Art of Singing, Past and Present," " A Dutchman on South Africa " (a very interesting notice by Mr. Lecky) "Latham on Examinations," and "Sir James 0 utram."