Animals' Ways and Claims. By Edith Carrington. (G. Bell and
Sons.)—Miss Carrington carries on the "Holy War" of the Humanitarian League with admirable energy. This is a volume of popularised science, giving an account of the animals which come into contact with man, and that in all kinds of relations. (We have horses and dogs at one end of the scale, and earth- worms at the other.) The object steadily kept in view is the enforcement of the duty of consideration and kindness. The book will serve as an excellent present, for it is highly interest- ing, worked out as it is with much curious detail, and illustrated with abundance of anecdote.—We hope that it will not be taken as an affront if we mention along with this a genuinely comic volume, in which both letterpress and pictures are of excellent quality,—Micky Magee's Menagerie ; or, Strange Animals amd their Doings, by C. H. Hamer, with Illustrations by Harry Neilson (Cassell and Co.)