Dr. Adrian. By D. Alcock. (r.t.s.)—this Is "a Story Of
Holland" in the sixteenth century. It begins in the early days of the long struggle between Protestant and Catholic, it is carried on to the death of William the Silent. A tale......
Current Literat Ure.
GIFT-BOOKS. Old Tales from Greece. By Alice Zimmern. (T. Fisher Unwin.) —This is a volume of the "Children's Study," and an excellent little book. Miss Zimniern gives, with due......
Animals' Ways And Claims. By Edith Carrington. (g. Bell And
Sons.)—Miss Carrington carries on the "Holy War" of the Humanitarian League with admirable energy. This is a volume of popularised science, giving an account of the animals......
A Dictionary Of Birds. By Alfred Newton. Assisted By Hans
Gadow. (A. and C. Black.) — With a fourth and final part, giving words from " Sheathbill " to " Zygodactyli," and contain- ing an index and introduction, this very important and......
On The Edge Of A Moor. By The Author Of
"Probable Sons," ac. (R.T.S.)—When Miss Rhoda Carlton sets up her little establishment "on the edge of the moor" (making her £140 a year go a very long way), and sets herself,......
By Sartal Sands. By Edward N. Hoare, M.a. (s.p.c.k.)— This
is a very curious, but also in a way very effective, story of the Isle of Man, of smuggling, and of adventure chiefly as a chastening moral and religious discipline. Michael......
A Eight For Freedom. By Gordon Stables, M.d. (nisbet And
Co.)—A family of Russians come over to Scotland and make the acquaintance of a young Highlander. They are "suspect"; the father is already imprisoned, and the son, a student,......