16 OCTOBER 1936, Page 14


"Ix happy hours, some hours, I spring ; From dense unhappiness I sing ; I dance up like a meadow lark Just where you thought there was never a thing.

I am not to be snared or trapped, Spied out, astronomised or mapped, And though you marked my last arising, My next shall be as quick-surprising ;

Love me not—

My love you have got; And hunt me fast- ' flitted past ; I know no date, but where I play It is perpetual proud today.

My wine is flashed in any cup That takes my eye, flower-bell or pitcher ; Now some roisterer holds it up And now the singing hedger and ditcher.

Told I more, you chance would dream

I meant to help you how to find me,—

Hear then : this my note, my gleam, And there your wit, will, strength and scheme-- Come, bind me 1" EDMUND BLUNDEN.