The Judicial Humorist
. [To the Editorof TEE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It SeeITIS to me that your reviewer of Lord Darling's Famous Cases does less than justice to the Judge's wit and humour. Certainly he......
Who Was In Samarkand? ,
[To the Bditor of Tilg SPECTATOR.] SIR, — In her discussion with Mr. Peter Fleming as to which, if either; of them hitcl spent forty-eight hours in Samarkand, Miss Ethel Marann......
The Free Churches [to The Editor Of Tim Spectator.] Sir,---t
happen to possess a copy of" The Form and Order of Their Majesties' Coronation" used for King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. (I presume that a generally similar proce- dure was......
The Choice-of A Book—.
in "A Spectator's Notebook," on October 2nd, invited suggestions in response :to the- request of a reader of The Spectator for advice as to what book he could most appro-......