Dr. Schuschnigg's Blow If Austria has to have a dictator,
Dr. Schuschnigg is probably' the most intelligent and efficient One she could choose. Under his administration she has made remark- able financial and economic progress ; unfortunately, there is little sign that Dr. Schuschnigg will also foster a revival of democracy and liberty. It is impossible not to admire the smoothness and efficiency of the blow by which on Saturday he dissolved the Heimwehr, inflicted a humiliating defeat on Prince Starhemberg and made himself master of all the armed forces in Austria ; the blow was precisely calculated, and fell at the moment when the Heimwehr was immobilised and disunited by the quarrel between Prince Starhemberg and the Vienna Heimwehr leader, Major Fey. Prince Starhemberg's defeat was completed by the desertion of the two Heim- wehr representatives in the Cabinet to Dr. Schuschnigg. The Chancellor was so confident of his strength that immediately after issuing the decree dissolving the Heimwehr he was able to fly to Budapest to attend the .funeral of General Gombos. The fall of Prince Starhemberg, the most determined enemy of National Socialism in Austria, has given pleasure in Germany, and is likely to improve Austro-German relations.