Persecution at Danzig - The forcible dissolution of the Social
Demeeratic Party at Danzig on Wednesday still further aggravates the intractable problem With Which the League of Nations is saddled. In some respects' the League's position is misunderstood. Danzig was thrust on it before its birth, at the Peace Conference, when it Was-charged-with the firrie- tion of supervising the working of a constitution designed solely to safeguard the rights Of Danzigers on the mie'side and Poles on the other. There was no thoUghtthen anY division among the Danzigers themselves, Or of any German minority needing-protection. The clauses in the constituticin regarding freedoni of speech and writing were there primarily for the protection of the Poles. But the fact remains that they are there, and they are being flagrantly and defiantly violated by the Naii majority. The Nazi line at present is to promise scrupu- lously loyal execution of every obligation towards the Poles, but to insist that what happens between 'Germans at Danzig is no more the League's bUsiness than what happens between Germans in Berlin. The' 'League Council last week requested the Midi Government to negotiate on its behalf 'with the Danzig Senate',. and the mission was accepted. But what either Poland 'Or, the League can do: is hard to see.
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