In this short pamphlet (G.ollanez, 6d.) Mrs. Williams-Ellis tells the story of Carl von Ossietzky, the German pacifist, founder of the No *re War inovement, editor of the pacifist and anti-militarist paper, Die Welikuhne, in 1931 sentenced, in camera, by the Supreme Court to 18 months' imprisonment on a charge of high treason, for having' attacked Germany's secret rearmament,- and since February, 1933, imprisoned and brutally mishandled in Germany's concentration camps. He has never been tried or accused by the Hitler Government. Owing to ill=treatment, both his reason and his life are in danger. In ahy civilised country he -would be a free man. The pamphlet makes it clear, indeed, 'there has never been any doubt that his only crime has been to work for peace. In a foreword Mrs. William's-Ellis, Mi.: H. G. Wells, Mrs. Woolf, Mr. 13ertrand Russell, Mr. Priestley and others make an appeal to readers of the pamphlet to Support the request that Ossietzky should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. No man could more suitably receive it. Others have spoken 'and worked. for peace : Ossietzkybas sacrificed his freedom and his life for it.