Sir: I was also a guest at the recent Torture
Garden 4th Birthday Party but, unlike your correspondent, I saw the best part of 1,000 stunningly dressed and happy people of all sexes determined to have a superb night out.
So why pick on four or five exhibitionists to deride the rest of us with? Why no men- tion of one of the most imaginative fashion shows that has been seen London in recent years? Why no comment about the public figures from the music scene who were also having an enjoyable evening? So where were you, Ms Troughton? Hiding in the toi- let? Or to put it another way, what's your hang-up? Sex? Beauty? Or are you suffer- ing from the English disease of being embarrassed by pleasure?
A case of lies, damned lies and journal- ism, indeed.
Stu Anderson
23A Thorpe Road, London