The Horse's Mouth
Sir: Regarding his review of Lucian Freud's show at the Whitechapel Art Gallery (Arts, 18 September), it would surely have been in bad form for me to name Giles Auty as one of......
Tour De Force
Sir: The Arts Council does not need to apologise, as Rupert Christiansen suggests (Arts, 25 September), for its commitment to making high-quality opera available to a wider......
Satisfied Customers
Sir: I was absolutely amazed by the article written by Tabitha Troughton (`The smack of firm governesses', 9 October), about her visit to the Torture Garden club. Why should Ms......
Letters The Other Foot
Sir: Events in Armenia and Azerbaijan have moved on since Baroness Cox began her brave missions to bring relief to the Armenian population of Nagorno- Karabakh. Lord Pearson's......
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