RAF's wonder weapon
From Mr Peter J. Farrell Sir: As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, the true story of that battle should be told.
It was not the Spitfires nor the Hurricanes or their pilots which alone won that battle. The victory was due to a remarkable piece of British technology, the B Mark 7 — or bluenose — bullet. This bullet, so-called for its blue nose (in contrast to the rednose or tracer bullet, and the blacknose or armour- piercing bullet) exploded when it hit its tar- get and blew a hole the size of your fist.
This was Britain's complete answer to the German air force's self-sealing petrol tank. There was no defence against it. On 15 September the bluenose bullets were issued to all fighter aircraft used in the defence of Britain. On that day 185 German aircraft were destroyed and the next day Goering stopped daylight raids.
Peter J. Farrell
Adelaide, Australia