City And Suburban
No bid for the Dome, but it's never too late to call time on a dud CHRISTOPHER FILDES I don't think I shall bid for the Dome. I have to stop somewhere, and if its man- agement......
Open City
NEXT weekend, a treat. Saturday and Sun- day are Open House Days, when the City's most splendid buildings will welcome us in. The Governor will open up the Bank of England. The......
The Bankers Play Away
THE townsfolk of Prague have been urged to go and stay with their relations in the country. The international Monetary Fund and World Bank are coming to town. For two years in......
Naming The Profiteer
WE always tell the pollsters that we like pay- ing taxes. How happily would we pay more, so we say, in support of such sacred cows as the Health Service. Gordon Brown may have......
It's Nix To Ix
I MAY not have to bid for the Stock Exchange, either. There, the penny has dropped and the fiX called iX has been called off. The Exchange sees no need, after all, to tie itself......
A Mug's Game
THE STRONG pound has been mugged. Only a chalk outline on the pavement and an ugly splotch or two still show where it stood and where it fell. This will come as a shock to the......