17 APRIL 1847, Page 11



The complexion of the market has been more favourable during the last few days. Indeed, from the commencement of the week the tendency has been up- wards, and Consols on two occasions were quoted at an advance of 2 per cent upon the lowest prices of Monday. The fluctuations have of course been very considerable, and the business unusually extensive. After fluctuating between 851 and 871, the closing quotation of Consols this afternoon for Money is 861. The decline of 1 per cent in the latter part of the day has been occasioned by a rise in the corn-market, from very extensive purchases made for France. The public appear to have availed themselves of the recent de- cline in prices to purchase very considerably. At the settlement of the Consol Account yesterday, though the amount of Stock delivered by capitalists is esti- mated to have been between two and three millions, the dealers and jobbers found great difficulty in providing Stock for delivery; this large amount being all ab- sorbed by investments. The Bank broker had borrowed money extensively upon the security of Consols, paying a certain premium per cent for the use of the money from yesterday to the 27th May, the day fixed for the settlement of the next Consol Account; and many other similar operations were effected. In ad- dition to the amount of Consols thus thrown upon the market, 960,0001. were created by the payment of the last instalment upon the Scrip of the new Loan; and it was generally anticipated that the demand for money yesterday would have been very great. Such was the anxiety to provide against the expected pressure, that on Monday and Tuesday the premium paid for carrying over Stock to the May Account was more than 4 per cent, and in some few instances we believe 4 per cent was given. So great, however, was the demand for Stock for immediate delivery, that in the course of yesterday and today Consols were dearer for Money than for the May Account. The Bank Directors have been very careful in the conduct of their discount operations, and have all but suspended them during the whole week. Bank Stock has experienced a further decline to .193; the last quotation today being 2 per cent below the lowest of last week. India Stock has been done this afternoon at 242; but as the dividend has just been paid, this quotation is equivalent to a recent one of 2475. Exchequer Bills have fluctuated between a small discount and a small premium. Money is very abundant in the Stock Exchange and in Lombard Street; and the usual order of things has been quite reversed, everybody having money but the Bank.

The operations of the Foreign Market have been unimportant: prices, with the exception of those of Portuguese, Spanish, and Mexican Stocks, are rather lower. The interest of all the speculators seems now to be concentrated upon the English Funds, and the Foreign Stocks are quite neglected. The Railway Shares are generally firmer, and the appearance of the market is much better than at the beginning of the week. All the current varieties are higher; the rise varying from a few shillings to 21. per share. We cannot, how- ever, notice any large disposition to investment, or any extensive revival of spe- culation. The Foreign Shares are also at better prices; an improvement of from 10s. to 11. being noticeable in most of the better class of French. The East In- dian are lower, having fallen to a discount; and there appears a general disincli- nation in the holders of the Scrip to sign the deed of settlement and thus adopt the liabilities of registered proprietorship.


Considerable business has occurred this morning, at rather lower prices than yes- terday. The first price of Consols was 864; and after reaching 861, the quotation is now 864 1. Exchequer Bills are quoted at par. The Bank accounts exhibit a decrease of 370,000/. in the amount of bullion, and an increase of the private deposits to the extent of 2,000,000/. This latter item has occasioned. considerable surprise; any increase under the particular department in question in the present state of the money-market being considered impossible. It is, however, we be- lieve, to be explained by the circumstance of the account being made up to the 10th instant, when a large amount of the dividends of the last quarter would of coarse remain unpaid. The Bank having already charged the Government with the gross amount of dividends due on the 5th instant, must debit itself with the unpaid par tion still remaining in hand; and hence the increase of the private deposits already referred to. There no material change in Railway Shares; the markets for these securities are, however, not quite so firm in some instances as yesterday. The following are the_principal transactions: Caledonian, 251; Eastern Counties, 184 4; Ditto, York Extension, 41; Great Northern, 34; Leeds and Thirsk, Preference, 6 per cent, 44; London ana North-western, M and B, 40/. Shares, 665; South- western, 644; Ditto, Scrip, 41; Manchester and Leeds, 102; Midland, New 401., 361. paid, 394; Ditto, Ditto, 50/., 21. paid, 44; Newcastle and Berwick, 26; Norfolk, 130; North Staffordshire, 74; North-western, 3; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, 144; Dutch Rhenish, 4; East Indian, 5.

3 per Cent Consols

864 4 Danish 3 per Cents 86 7 Ditto for Amount 3 per Cent Reduced

864 4

854 I

Dutch 24 per Cents - Ditto 4 per Cents.

9 f

89. 90/ 31 per Cents 861 71 Mexican 5 per Cents 201 21 Long Annuities 81 9 New Grenada

194 204

Bank Stock 192 195 PortugueseNew bp. Cts. 1841 341 5/ Exchequer Bills par. Peruvian 38 40 India Stock 240 245 Russian 5 per Cents 109 110 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 241 5/ Belgian 44 per Cents 95 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842

364 f

Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 39 41 Venezuela 39 40 Chillan 6 per Cents 91 3