The General Turmoil About The Government Education Scheme...
than wanes. The opponents have been busy in Crosby Hall and in Exeter Hall, in metropolis and province ; and they muster large numbers in their hostile demonstrations. But they......
News Of The Week.
ON reassembling after the recess, the House of Commons took to its work gradually ; but some interesting subjects have been under discussion. Mr. Watson's bill to repeal the......
The First Session Of The Prussian Parliament Was Opened By
King Frederick William on Sunday last, with a very long speech, delivered, it is said, ex tenzpore, and conveying an elaborate and reiterated caveat against what his "dear and......
The French Government Has Laid Before The Chambers A Bill
to prune the tariff of Customs-duties. The measure does not in any respect trench upon what may be called the substance of the tariff or the spirit of its policy. Nearly three......