No sooner had Mr. Henry's statement been made than doubt
was freely thrown upon it. Mr. Macireagh declared that the Irish Executive had reversed the rules introduced by Mr. Shortt, and that those who were eligible for ameliorative treatment in Mountjoy Prison never enjoyed it. He also declared that there was no such thing as the Advisory Committee which had been promised as a Court of Appeal for those who wished to submit grievances. Mr. Bonar Law spoke at the ended the debate, with the one object, as he declared, "of pointing out that no greater, harm could be done than that any impression should go to Ireland that there is a possibility of a change in the attitude of the Government." Mr. Bonar Law also said that any prisoners could make an appeal within seven days to the High Court in Ireland, but he did not seem to be quite sure about his facts. The only thing he was absolutely clear about was that there could be no change in policy. If there were, the Government might as well give up trying to govern Ireland altogether. " We have counted the cost."