The Government Last Week Sold The Motor Transport Repair...
near Slough to a private syndicate for .£3,350,000. The -depot had cost £2;500,000, so that the Government have made a profit of £850;000 on the transaction. The surplus stock......
The Result Of The Ballet Of The Miners On The
Government's offer of an increase of twenty per cent. in wages was announced on Thursday. There was a majority of sixty-five thousand in favour of accepting the terms. The......
The Coalition Gained A Handsome Victory In The Stockport...
Mr. Greenwood, a Unionist; and Me Flldes, a Liberal, ran together as Coalition candidates, and - headed the poll with a majority of more than six thousand over their nearest......
A Conference Of Trade 'unions Affiliated To The National...
General Workers met on Thursday week to con- sider the effect of the Whitley Councils. After a discussion led 'by Mr. Clynes, the Conference recorded its approval of the......
We Are Pretty Well Hardened By Now To The Incessant
demands of one trade, after another _for higher 'and still, higher wages, but some _little surprise may be expressed at the request of the --National Union of Railwaymen for......
The London Building Operatives Have Given Four Months'...
terminate the wages agreement which they made in February. Under the agreement skilled workmen are to receive 2s. Oed. an hour andlabourers le. 9d. anhour nom May 1st. The......
It Is Interesting To Observe That, While The House Of
Lords has given a ,seecrnd reading to Lord. Buckmaster's Divorce Bill, the House of Commons on Wednesday rejected Mr. Rendall's motion in favour of the proposals contained in......
The By-elections-at North-west Camberwell,.basingstoke,...
of the Coalition. In Camber. well, on a small poll, Dr. Maenaraara, the new 'Minister of Labour, held his seat with a majority of 1,885 over Miss Lawrence, the Labour candidate.......
The -select Committee On War Wealth On Tuesday Heard Further
evidence from Sir John Anderson, Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue, who had three new schemes to propose. The estimated yield of these levies would vary-from £450,000,000......
Major Morrison-bell, Writing In The Times Of Saturday...
out that Proportional Representation could not be delayed much longer in Great Britain now that it had been adopted for Ireland in the present Home Rule Bill. He recom- mended......
Bank Rate,7 Per Cent.,ohanged From 6 Per Cent.apr. 15, 190.
5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 87i; Thursday week, 87} ; a year ago, 951.......