[To THE EDITOR OF. THE " SPECTATOR."] have only to-day- seen the Spectator -of. April .3rd. In a Note you say Mr. Bell was assassinated in a crowded suburb, and the passers-by- must have been in an enormous majority over the murderers. The -murder was • almost incredibly audacious, but •a very false impression of its sur- roundings is Tiven by the two etatenrents.above-quoted. ''The locality is in • no sense crowded : on one side of. the road area few semi-detached houses, on the other side- the:Royal- Dublin Society's showyard and a girls' school standing about :fifty yards from the road in -its own grounds. Between the school and th?„,showyard runs Simmons Court Road, by-' which the murderers went -away. I frequently pass the scene of the murder between 10 and 11 a.m. The average.number of persons in sight is about one,- excluding perhaps two or three waiting for a tramcar.—I am, Sir, &o., A.-11.. B.- I. April 11th.
[We are very glad to be corrected. We derived our informa- tion from the Press.—ED. Spectator.]