SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you allow me to call the attention of your readers to
• the urgent needs of the Homes -for sick and aged clergy known
as 'The:Homes of S. Barnabas" at Dorman, -Surrey ? 'As until' lately .a Diocesan:Bishop, - and now Chairman of the Council of the Homes, I know -only too well the impossibility :of expecting many of the clergy to -make provision for old age out Of the stipends they receive, as-well as -the- special financial ;difficulties that, in common with .many other charities, the .Homes are at this time .contending with. -Seeing that their 'open door stands between many-aged clergy and the -workhouse, it would be-deplorable that their usefulness should be curtailed by -lack of means.
may -I mention -one- or two points which are of importance P (1) The two Archbishops are Patrons. of the Homes. (2) There is no similar -provision , for old clergy who are -very poor. (3) Married couples are admitted. .(4) The size of the. Homes
may be gathered from the fact that the main buildings, chapel, Ito., are insured for £55,000. .(5) T.he.Council have already been 'obliged to sell out a considerable portion .of .their small capital this year in order to carry out necessary repairs.--4 am,..Sir,
C. J., RIDGEWAY, Bishop.