[To THE -Minos or THE " Sinscresoa."l SIR,,-- By a recent decision of the Council- of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies -the statutory 'entrance fee of two guineas is -waived for the first 500 members elected in the year 1920. The.-annual subscription, which entitles members 'to the Journal.of -Hellenic Studies .and the use of the library-mad slide collecitions, remains•at a guinea. If it is true that this is the only thing cheaper than before the war, I think we may- be glad that it is:so -good a thing as easy aecess to the inexhaustible treasures of ancient Greece, that has become so. Will those- interested.. write . for parte:inters and application. form -for memberahipe—I am,,Sir, &c..
Joey PlaTOTRE, Secretary.
The Sticiety .for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 111:131-domsbitry Square; W.C.