The facts - we have -related are thoroughly discouraging and, disoreditable,
It is a most disagreeable duty-to say hard things, about any one who is ins position of great difficulty and personal danger, but we-cannot help feeling that Lord French has . failed. both in imagination and in organization; and that it would be well if he were replaced. When confusion appears on. every side, and hardly anybody -engaged in governing Ireland seems be wholly free from %It iseesential that the Lord-Lieutenant should himself bea man of quick and clear judgment. Unfor- tunately, we cannot believe that Lord French has this accessary qualification. The inaccurate statements in- his book about the war, his. contradictory charger against' both Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien and Mr. Asquith, and the very unwise interviews - which he has given- to newspaper correspondents , in Ireland make us feel strongly that :his brain is not fitted for the govern- ment of Ireland.